SM ASCP Course Review Program for Specialists in Microbiology
Course Program Summary
SM (ASCP) Review Course Program
The SM (ASCP) Course program for Specialist in Microbiology by is Your All in One Preparation Program To Pass The SM ASCP Exam. The Course Syllabus includes Preanalytic Procedures, Analytic Procedures For Bacteriology, Analytic Procedures For Mycobacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, And Mycology, And Laboratory Operations. Course Program includes SM (ASCP) Microbiology Live Online Classes, Video Recording Of Classes, MLSIA SM ASCP Microbiology Study Guide, Study Plan and How To Pass Microbiology Exam Action Plan and MLSIA Microbiology QBanks.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: (MLSIA)
Course Mode: Online
Course Workload: PT40H
Duration: PT40H
Repeat Count: 8
Repeat Frequency: Weekly
Course Type: Paid
Course Currency: USD
Course Version:
Last Update:
January, 2025
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– Weekly for up to ≃ 6-8 weeks
– Classes start At 10:00 AM Eastern time, USA
– Lasts for up to ≃ 3 hours
– ASCP certified
– Passed SM (ASCP) exam
– Holding MSc degree in Microbiology
– PhD degree i Microbiology
- All classes will be recorded
- Available within 48 hrs. after each of the live class
- To watch per your need at any time
- To apply after each class
- Structured by ASCP certified experts
- Proven and tried by many of our student
- One unified SM(ASCP) study book instead of
- *49* resources recommended by ASCP BOC
- Complied by expert professors in the filed
- Convers ASCP BOC syllabus with no Fluff
- Very comprehensive
- Very conclusive and to the point
- Beautifully designed with
- Visual illustrations
- Q&A, flashcards and more
- Exclusive only for course subscriber
- Q&A Bank
- Quiz Bank
- Practice Exam Bank
- Mock Exam Bank
- Our Advanced Exclusive *XcXaXt Bank *Coming Soon*
- When, how long and how to study?
- When to book your exam?
- When to take the exam?
- The one must thing you should do to make sure 100% you will score >400
- Exam date final tips
- And more
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Expert ASCP Certified Lecturers
All in one SM(ASCP) Study Guide Book
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Course Syllabus: What You Will Learn To Pass SM ASCP Exam?
hapter 1: Preanalytic Procedures (5-10%)
- Stains (Methods, rules, and interpretation)
- Specimen collection
- Specimen transport
- Specimen processing
hapter 2: Procedures for Bacteriology (30-40%)
- Colony morphology
- Normal flora
- Specimen sources
- Organism pathogenicity
- Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
- Agents of infection
- Correlation with other lab results
- MRSA/MSSA, VRE, ESBL/CRE screening
- Identification methods
- Antibiotic resistance
- BSL-3 pathogens & select agents
Chapter 3: Analytic Procedures for Parasitology, Virology, Mycobacteriology, Mycology, and Virology (30-40%)
- Specimen sources
- Identification methods
- Major pathogens
- Serological testing method
- Disease states,
- Antimicrobial/antifungal/antiviral susceptibility testing
Chapter 4: Laboratory Operations (20-25%)
- Postanalytic procedures
- Instrumentation
- Lab administration
- Safety
- Troubleshooting/quality assessment
- Laboratory Mathematics
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More About The SM (ASCP) Review Course Program
Why SM ASCP Course Review Program?
SM (ASCP) Review Course Program
The SM (ASCP) Course program for Specialist in Microbiology by is Your All in One Preparation Program To Pass The SM ASCP Exam. The Course Syllabus includes Preanalytic Procedures, Analytic Procedures For Bacteriology, Analytic Procedures For Mycobacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, And Mycology, And Laboratory Operations. Course Program includes SM (ASCP) Microbiology Live Online Classes, Video Recording Of Classes, MLSIA SM ASCP Microbiology Study Guide, Study Plan and How To Pass Microbiology Exam Action Plan and MLSIA Microbiology QBanks.
Course Provider:
Course Provider Name: (MLSIA)
Course Mode:
Course Workload:
Repeat Count:
Repeat Frequency:
Course Type:
Course Currency:
Editor's Rating:
Do you want to become an ASCP-certified specialist in microbiology and looking for the best SM ASCP course that will support you a lot.?
There is no alternative to the MLSIA SM ASCP course review program by
Because on this platform, you will get remarkable preparation tools that eliminate the need to go to another platform.
Here, you will not only be blessed with amazing study products but also tips and strategies to cover the exam content area and compete with SM ASCP exam challenges.
The following are all the services of the SM ASCP course program by that you will get after subscribing.
- Live Classes
- Recordings of Live Lectures
- Study Guide
- Q&A Bank
- Quiz Modules
- Flashcards
- Practice Exam Questions
- Mock Exam
- CAT Exam
SM ASCP Live Classes
Are you one of those who cannot understand the content by only reading the text and require the visual content for deep understanding?
Then MLSIA SM ASCP course live classes are only for you.
Here you will get the opportunity to ace the exam content area visually and auditorily at the same time.
The MLSIA live classes are an interactive environment where you can ask questions from tutors and also interact with other classmates.
Considering how can you access the SM ASCP classes to get deep learning?
Subscribe to the MLSIA SM ASCP course to access these live classes.
Recordings of Live Lectures
Sometimes it may happen that you cannot attend your classes due to unknown happenings and have to lose your lectures.
In the SM (ASCP) exam content area, missing one lecture means you lost the essential content that may appear in your final exam.
Therefore, to protect the students from skipping any lectures or their specific parts, the MLSIAcademy records all the lectures, that you can get within 24 hours after the live session.
You can pause, slow down, and replay the video to understand the content deeply.
SM ASCP Study Guide
After gaining knowledge by attending the classes, you need to study guide to review your content.
Because the MLSIA SM ASCP course is the ultimate solution, therefore you will also get a unified study guide from here.
All the resources that the academy presents are tremendous but the one splendid tool that makes the academy more proud is its study guide.
This guide comprises the following features:
- Comprehensive: Cover the entire exam content area
- Conclusive: Only focus on the required one and remove fluff.
- All-in-One Study Guide: It digests reading list resources and exam content areas under one cover.
- Easily Digestible: Summarize the content with images, diagrams, tables, charts, and others to make it easily digestible.
- Experts Experience: It is designed and compiled by the experts.
There are names of some books that are condensed into the SM ASCP study guide:
- Larone’s Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification (7th ed.).
- Manual of Clinical Microbiology (13th ed.).
- Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology (7th ed.)
- Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (4th ed.).
- Gram Stain Benchtop Reference Guide. College of American Pathologists.
- Color Atlas of Medical Bacteriology (3rd ed.).
- Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology (15th ed.)
- Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook (5th ed.)
- Koneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology (7th ed.).
- Molecular Microbiology: Diagnostic Principles and Practice (3rd ed.).
- Atlas of Human Parasitology (5th ed.)
- Laboratory Management: Principles and Processes (4th ed.)
- Manual of Molecular and Clinical Laboratory Immunology (8th ed.).
- Diagnostic Medical Parasitology (6th ed.)
- Clinical Virology Manual (5th ed.)
- Arthropod Benchtop Reference Guide. College of American Pathologists.
- Parasitology Benchtop Reference Guide. College of American Pathologists.
- Clinical Laboratory Management (3rd ed.).
- Color Atlas of Mycology: An Illustrated Field Guide Based on Proficiency Testing.
The MLSIA QBank presents a bundle of hundreds of questions that are derived from the entire exam content area.
After gaining knowledge by attending live classes and reading books, you must practice your learning through the SM ASCP Q&A modules.
These modules
- Help you practice and review your learning
- Transfer your knowledge into long-form memory so that you can retain it when you want
- Refresh your knowledge and cement it
- Increase your preparation percentages
SM ASCP Quiz Module
Like the SM (ASCP) Q&A, the MLSIA QBank also offers s series of quizzes, but these quizzes are topic-specific, chapter-specific, subject-specific, and entire exam content area-specific.
Whether you aim to cover one-specific chapter, topic, or you want to ace your entire syllabus, you can get benefits from the SM ASCP quiz module.
Flashcards for Microbiology Specialists
To accelerate your learning phase and reviewing process, the academy QBanks also designs flashcards.
These flashcards are specifically designed to cover difficult vocabulary, explain the answer to short questions, MCQs, etc.
Because they are accessible on your mobile phone, you can utilize them anywhere with ease.
SM ASCP Practice Exam
What is the role of practice exams in your exam preparation? Absolutely, they can make a difference.
Everyone prefers to sit for practice exams before the final exam to know their weak and strong points.
At MLSIAcademy, you will get a series of practice exams.
Each practice exam is composed of 100 MCQs that are obtained from the entire syllabus.
To solve these practice exams, the academy does not set any time limits.
Whenever you want, you can utilize them and solve them according to you for better understanding.
Make sure to take part in it again and again to fill your knowledge gap.
Mock Exam for SM ASCP
To familiarize its students with the format of the ASCP specialist in microbiology certificate final exam, the academy evaluates the mock exam.
These exams follow the format of the final exam in all aspects, including the number of questions, time constraints, percentage of questions, environment, etc.
CAT Exam for SM ASCP
The CAT (computer adaptive testing) is a format of the ASCP microbiology specialist exam.
It is a computer-based exam that displays a series of easy or difficult questions by detecting the examinee’s answers to previous questions.
At MLSIAcademy, you will also get the opportunity to attend this CAT exam, which resembles to SM ASCP CAT in all phases.
SM ASCP Study Plan
For a well-rounded education, you must incorporate your time, study strategies, and tools into your study schedule to maintain balance.
Your study schedule must be relevant to you, it is not good that you copy the other study schedule; it will not work for you.
Therefore, to create an effective study plan, you should consider the amount of time you can devote to studying per day.
Suppose you can devote 5 hours per day to studying, you should consider the best time of night or early morning and make sure to divide it concisely into all the subjects.
You should fix extra time for higher percentage questions and little time for low percentage subjects.
Never forget to set a time for a break after each session for your study.
Eligibility Requirements for SM ASCP
For both U.S. (SM ASCP) and international candidates (SM ASCPi), the board fixed six eligibility routes.
Eligibility Route for SM ASCP (U.S. Candidates)
Route 1: M/MLS ASCP certification, baccalaureate degree, & microbiology clinical experience (three years).
Route 2: Master’s degree in an appropriately related field and three years of microbiology clinical experience.
Route 3: Doctorate in an appropriately related field & post-doctoral fellowship in clinical microbiology OR clinical experience in microbiology (two years).
Route 4: MLS/M ASCP certification, a doctorate in relevant subjects, microbiology clinical experience (one year), OR one year of research experience in microbiology.
Route 5: Valid ASCP M/MLS credential, baccalaureate degree, & as an academic educator, microbiology clinical experience.
Route 6: ASCP M/MLS credential, doctorate in required subject and as an academic educator microbiology clinical experience or (one year)
Eligibility Route for SM ASCPi (International Candidates)
- Route 1: International M/MLS ASCP certification, baccalaureate degree, and three years of microbiology clinical experience.
- Route 2: Master’s degree in an appropriately related field and clinical experience in microbiology (three years).
- Route 3: Doctorate in immunology, medical lab science, or other related field and two years of microbiology clinical experience.
- Route 4: M/MLS ASCP/ASCPi credentials, a doctorate in microbiology, immunology, or other related field, clinical experience in microbiology (one year), or research experience (one year) in a relevant field.
- Route 5: M/MLS ASCP/ASCPi credential, baccalaureate degree, & as an academic educator microbiology clinical experience (three years).
- Route 6: ASCP/ASCPi M/MLS credential, a doctorate in a relevant subject and, one year of microbiology clinical experience as an academic educator.
How to Pass the SM ASCP (Microbiology Specialist) Exam?
To achieve the SM ASCP certification, you must apply all possible tips, use the best tools, and create an effective study plan.
The following are some tips that you must implement in your SM ASCP study plan:
Total Time: 1 minute
Understand the SM ASCP Exam Format
The ASCP microbiology specialists exam comprises 100 multiple-choice questions, each with one correct and the other incorrect.
The format of this exam is CAT (computer adaptive testing), that are designed to show a series of easy or tough questions based on your answers to previous questions.
There is no skipping option for questions for the SM ASCP exam format, all questions that appear on your computer screen you have to solve.
Consider the SM ASCP exam Content Area
To better prepare, you should consider the ASCP microbiology specialist exam content area.
For this exam, you have to get knowledge from four subjects, the ASCP BOC distributes each subject into various outlines, and covering each outline is important to passing the exam.
The following are the exam content areas and question percentages:
Preanalytic Procedure: 5%-10%
Analytical Procedures for Bacteriology: 30 – 40%
Analytic Procedures for Mycobacteriology, Parasitology, Virology, Mycology, & Virology: 30 – 40%
Laboratory Operation: 20 – 25%
Subscribe to the SM ASCP Course
Because the ASCP Board of Certification determines the huge syllabus for ASCP specialists in microbiology, so you should get support from the SM ASCP course.
Always choose the course that understands the preparation requirements of this exam and offers you all the study tools.
For 100% success, you must join the MLSIA SM ASCP course review program that offers you all potent study and practice exam tools.
Besides this, the MLSIA also offers you the guarantee of 100% success with a great score on your first attempt.
- ASCP Microbiology Course
- ASCP Microbiology Classes
- Recordings of Classes
- ASCP Microbiology Study Guide
- ASCP Microbiology QBanks
Materials: ASCP Microbiology PDF ASCP Microbiology Video Lectures
Other ASCP Review Courses.
Resources: ASCP BOC.