
ASCP Gynecology Course

ASCP Gynecology Course Review Program

Course Program Summary

ASCP Gynecology Course Review Program

The ASCP Gynecology Review Course program by MLSIAcademy.com is Your All in One Preparation Program To Pass The ASCP Gynecology Exam. The Course Syllabus includes Physiology, Anatomy, and Embryologic Origins, Normal Cellular Morphology and Histology, Cytopathology, Pathology, and Biologic Behavior and Laboratory Operation. Course Program includes ASCP Gynecology Live Online Classes, Video Recording Of Classes, MLSIA Histology Study Guide, Study Plan and How To Pass ASCP Gynecology Exam Action Plan and MLSIA QBanks.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: MLSIAcademy (MLSIA)

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: PT40H

Duration: PT40H

Repeat Count: 8

Repeat Frequency: Weekly

Course Type: Paid

Course Currency: USD

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– Weekly for up to ≃ 10 weeks
– Every Sunday

– Classes start At 10:00 AM Eastern time, USA

– Lasts for up to ≃ 3 hours

– ASCP certified

– Passed ASCP exam(s)

– Holding MSc degree

– PhD degree

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All in one Gynecology Study Guide Book
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Course Syllabus: What You Will Learn To Pass ASCP Gynecology Exam?

  • Reaction/benign lesions
  • Endocrinology/functional Disorders
  • Atypical glandular cells/ indeterminate lesions/ASCUS/Premalignant Epithelial
  • Congenital anomalies
  • Infection and safety
  • Quality control
  • Quality assurance tools and methodology
  • Risk management
  • Cytopreparation instruments/Strategies
  • Quality management
  • Molecular

Related ASCP Course Programs


Why MLSIA ASCP Gynecology Course Review Program?

ASCP Gynecology Course Review Program

The ASCP Gynecology Review Course program by MLSIAcademy.com is Your All in One Preparation Program To Pass The ASCP Gynecology Exam. The Course Syllabus includes Physiology, Anatomy, and Embryologic Origins, Normal Cellular Morphology and Histology, Cytopathology, Pathology, and Biologic Behavior and Laboratory Operation. Course Program includes ASCP Gynecology Live Online Classes, Video Recording Of Classes, MLSIA Histology Study Guide, Study Plan and How To Pass ASCP Gynecology Exam Action Plan and MLSIA QBanks.

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To navigate the entire International CTgyn ASCPi Gynecologic Cytologist exam content area, you must always focus on implementing the best study tools.

Make sure to get these study products under one roof by subscribing to the ASCP gynecology course to minimize your expenses.

To get something extra with resources, you must subscribe to the MLISA ASCP gynecology course review program by MLSIAcademy.com.

The following is what you will receive from the MLSIA ASCP gynecology course:

  • ASCP Gynecology Live Classes
  • Recordings of Classes
  • ASCP Gynecology Study Guide
  • ASCP Gynecology QBanks (offer flashcards, mock tests, CAT tests, Q&A modules, Quiz modules, and practice exams).

The MLSIAcademy.com has many years of experience in presenting ASCP certification preparation sources and it also supports its students at every step of their preparation journey.

Here you will also find the study plan and effective techniques on how to pass the ASCP gynecology exam action plan.

What is ASCP?

The ASCP (American Society for Clinical Pathology was founded in 1928 as the Registry of Medical Laboratory Technologists. After this, its name was the ASCP Board of Registry.

But now its current name is the ASCP BOC, which has made many modifications to its profiles.

This is a certification agency that presents more than 20 certificates to the entire lab team, including the ASCPi CTgyn.

The ASCP conducts very challenging exams to choose the most relevant person for lab work.

Because its mission is to provide the best treatment to patients by hiring well-experienced lab technologists, scientists, technicians, pathologists, and specialists.

Understanding the ASCP Gynecology Certification

The ASCP BOC presents one certificate for the gynecology field, which is CTgyn ASCPi.

This certificate goes to the lab technologist, who can evaluate and prepare human cellular specimens from female genital tracts.

They have experience in detecting infectious agents, cancer, pre-cancerous changes, inflammatory processes, and infectious agents.

This certificate is only for international technologists, not U.S. technologists.

Eligibility Criteria for ASCP Gynecology Certification

The ASCP Board of Certification suggests three routes for the ASCPi CTgyn, meeting one route prerequisite is essential to applying for the certification.

These routes are

  • Route 1: Equivalent or 2 year diploma from an approved institution and Cytotechnology program with practice in gynecologic cytology.
  • Route 2: Gynecologic cytology one year experience and employment in the cytology field.
  • Route 3: CT (IAC) credential
  • Cytologists (previously Cytotechnoligsits)- CAAHEP and CLIA Regulatory Requirements: According to U.S. Law, all individuals who want to practice cytology in the United States must have the cytotechnology/cytology approved CAAHEP (Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs)

How to Pass the ASCP Gynecology Certification Exam?

Due to the complicated and huge syllabus, you will find the ASCP gynecology certification exam difficult.
But by implementing the following tips, you can alleviate your struggle to achieve this certificate.

Total Time: 1 minute

Apprehend the ASCP Gynecology Exam Content Area

The ASCP Board of Certification determines four exam content areas for ASCP gynecology exam preparation.
You should understand all the subjects with question percentages so that you may know where you need extra attention and where you need the least.
The following are the exam content areas and question percentages:
Anatomy, Embryologic, and Physiology Origins: 5%
Normal Cellular Morphology and Histology: 10%
Cytopathology, Pathology, and Biologic Behaviours: 75%
Lab Operation: 10%

Explore the CAT Exam Format

CAT (computer adaptive testing) is the format of the ASCPi CTgyn exam.
This exam is composed of 50 questions and given time frame to complete it is 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The CAT computer is packed with a lot of questions based on their level of difficulty.
Difficult questions are the result of your correct answer and easy questions are the result of incorrect answers.
But, your exam-solving skill impacts your result deeply, if you solve enough difficult questions, you will achieve high scores, while if you answer enough easy questions, you may not get certificates.

Subscribe to the ASCP Gynecology Course

A subscription to the ASCP gynecology course is vital to performing well in the ASCPi CTgyn exam.
To cover the exam content, you need different tools like live classes (for initial understanding), study guide (to review the content), practice exams (to practice your learning), and mock and CAT exams (to know the knowledge gap and get information about the exam format).
To get all under one roof, you must go for the MLSIA ASCP gynecology course; here you will find all that you need for appreciated preparation.

Never Give Up Practice

To retain and retrieve information at any time, practice is a pillar step.
With continuous practice, you will become the master of your entire exam content area.
To practice your learning, you must apply the practice exam, mock exam, and CAT exam.
After subscribing to the MLSIA ASCP gynecology course, you will get multiple tools for practicing your exam content area and learning exam format.

Meet Experts of the Field (ASCP Certified Experts)

Getting the experience of experts is a crucial strategy for making your study plan and exam content preparation process successful.
From certified experts, you will receive effective techniques to move ahead.
After subscribing to the MLSIA ASCP gynecology course, you will meet with a team of experts who are ASCP certified and also have Ph.D. and MSc degrees.


  • ASCP Gynecology Course


  • ASCP Gynecology Live Classes
  • Recordings of Lectures
  • ASCP Gynecology Study Guide
  • ASCP Gynecology QBanks

Materials: ASCP Gynecology PDF ASCP Gynecology Video Lectures

ASCP Gynecology Exam Application Process and Fee

To apply for the ASCP gynecology exam, you have to pay $135. You can pay this fee by check or debit card.

The following is the application process for the ASCPi CTgyn:

  • First, you need to choose your certificate category, ASCPi CTgyn.
  • Determines your eligibility routes (choose at least one route)
  • Create your account on the ASCP official website by adding all the required information.
  • If you have an account already, you only need to login
  • After creating an account or login to open your account, you access the ASCP dashboard
  • Click on the ‘Apply Now” button
  • Fill out the application form carefully and enter all the required documentation (official transcript, experience or training documentation form, letter of authenticity, etc.,)
  • Pay the application fee to complete the application form

After ASCP Gynecology Exam: What Next

If you pass the ASCPi CTgyn exam and wait for your score report, it is essential to get because you will not be considered ASCP certified.

Your score report consists of your earning score and certificate expiration date.

Your certificate is only valid for 3 years and you have to meet CMP points during your active three years.

For ASCPi CTgyn, you have to get 36 points.

But, if you fail the exam, also wait for your score report and do not apply for the retake exam until you get it.

Your score report consists of your obtaining score in each exam content area, so that you may know where you need to focus attention.

Your new eligibility starts after completing your previous eligibility ( 3 months after your first attempt).

The board offers this time to get preparation for your second attempt.

Continuous Education and Career Advancement

To introduce you to the latest technology, the ASCP BOC suggests many continuous education and career advancement programs.

This program improves your skills and experience and makes you a well-experienced person in your field.

This continuous education program also meets your CMP (Credential Maintenance Program) requirements.

Final Thoughts for the MLSIA ASCP Gynecology Course

You cannot train yourself for the ASCPi CTgyn exam without getting help from the ASCP gynecology course.

Hence, make sure to subscribe to the ASCP gynecology course as soon as possible after applying for the exam.

Always go for this exam, when you are 100% ready for it, because here you cannot pass it by chance.

To achieve this certificate, you must get commands on all the exam content areas that the ASCP recommended for this exam.

The MLSIA ASCP gynecology course presents all the necessary tools that cover the exam content area topic-wise.

The MLSIA live classes, study guide, and quiz modules are topic-specific and cover the entire syllabus one by one.


Resources: ASCP BOC.
