SCT (ASCP) Course Review Program for Specialist In Cytology
Course Program Summary
SCT(ASCP) Course Review Program
The SCT(ASCP) Course program for specialist in cytology by is Your All in One Preparation Program To Pass The SCT ASCP Exam. The Course Syllabus includes Gynecological Cytology, Non-Gynecological Cytology, Respiratory System, Genitourinary System, Body Cavity Fluids, Fine Needle Aspirations & Other and Laboratory Operation. Course Program includes SCT (ASCP) Live Online Classes, Video Recording Of Classes, MLSIA SCT ASCP Cytology Study Guide, Study Plan and How To Pass SCT ASCP Exam Action Plan and MLSIA QBanks.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: (MLSIA)
Course Mode: Online
Course Workload: PT40H
Duration: PT40H
Repeat Count: 8
Repeat Frequency: Weekly
Course Type: Paid
Course Currency: USD
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MLISA Study Book
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– Classes start At 10:00 AM Eastern time, USA
– Lasts for up to ≃ 3 hours
– ASCP certified
– Passed ASCP exam(s)
– PhD degree
- All classes will be recorded
- Available within 48 hrs. after each of the live class
- To watch per your need at any time
- To apply after each class
- Structured by ASCP certified experts
- Proven and tried by many of our student
- One unified SCT(ASCP) study book instead of
- *49* resources recommended by ASCP BOC
- Complied by expert professors in the filed
- Convers ASCP BOC syllabus with no Fluff
- Very comprehensive
- Very conclusive and to the point
- Beautifully designed with
- Visual illustrations
- Q&A, flashcards and more
- Exclusive only for course subscriber
- Q&A Bank
- Quiz Bank
- Practice Exam Bank
- Mock Exam Bank
- Our Advanced Exclusive *XcXaXt Bank *Coming Soon*
- When, how long and how to study?
- When to book your exam?
- When to take the exam?
- The one must thing you should do to make sure 100% you will score >400
- Exam date final tips
- And more
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Course Syllabus: What You Will Learn To Pass SCT ASCP Exam?
Chapter 1: Gynecological Cytology (20–25%)
- Body sites include: vulva, ovary, cervix, endocervix, fallopian tube, vagina, and uterus/endometrium
- Embryologic Origins, physiology, and anatomy
- Biologic Behavior, cytopathology, and pathology
- Histology & normal cellular morphology
Chapter 2: Non-Gynecological Cytology (15– 25%)
Respiratory System (5%– 10%)
- Histology & normal cellular morphology
- The body site includes the upper and lower respiratory system
- Biologic Behavior, cytopathology, and pathology
- Embryologic Origins, physiology, and anatomy
Genitourinary System (5%– 10%)
- The body side includes the ureters, kidney, bladder, and urethra.
- Normal cellular morphology & histology
- Biologic Behavior, pathology, and cytopathology
- Embryologic Origins, anatomy, & physiology
Body Cavity Fluids (5%– 10%)
- Embryologic Origins, anatomy, & physiology
- Biologic Behavior, pathology, and cytopathology
- The body site peritoneal, pericardial, and pleural cavities
- Normal cellular morphology & histology
Chapter 3: Fine Needle Aspirations & Other (15– 25%)
- Normal cellular morphology & histology
- Body Site includes lung, thyroid gland, breast, liver, soft tissues, bone, lymph nodes, salivary glands, and pancreas.
- Embryologic Origins, physiology, & anatomy
- Triage of FNA and rapid Onsite Evaluation
- Biologic Behavior, pathology, & cytopathology
Chapter 4: Laboratory Operation (35– 40%)
- Safety & Infection Control (e.g., NIOSH, SDS, OSHA, NFPA)
- Quality Management
- Cytopreparation Instrumentation/Techniques
- Compliance
- Companion Diagnostics
More About The SCT (ASCP) Review Course Program
SCT(ASCP) Course Review Program
The SCT(ASCP) Course program for specialist in cytology by is Your All in One Preparation Program To Pass The SCT ASCP Exam. The Course Syllabus includes Gynecological Cytology, Non-Gynecological Cytology, Respiratory System, Genitourinary System, Body Cavity Fluids, Fine Needle Aspirations & Other and Laboratory Operation. Course Program includes SCT (ASCP) Live Online Classes, Video Recording Of Classes, MLSIA SCT ASCP Cytology Study Guide, Study Plan and How To Pass SCT ASCP Exam Action Plan and MLSIA QBanks.
Course Provider:
Course Provider Name: (MLSIA)
Course Mode:
Course Workload:
Repeat Count:
Repeat Frequency:
Course Type:
Course Currency:
Editor's Rating:
Are you preparing for the ASCP SCT specialist in cytology exam and looking for the best academy that offers you an ultimate SCT ASCP course?
Then you must consider and subscribe to its SCT ASCP course.
This academy provides you with all the necessary preparation tools to minimize your efforts to get preparation done for the ASCP specialist in cytology exam.
This is not only what you will get from MLSIA, here you get the complete support of professors who stay with you till the exam final days, the company of ASCP-certified experts, a one-attempt success guarantee with more than 400 scores, and much more.
Once you get the MLSIA SCT ASCP course, you need not create your study plan, because it comes with an excellent study plan that makes you master your entire exam content area before the exam’s final day.
Besides this, here you will also receive practical tips on how to pass the ASCP SCT exam action plan.
In this article, we will describe the services of the MLSIA ASCP SCT course in detail and also explain some tips to pass this exam effectively.
Services of MLSIA SCT ASCP Course
The following are all the study products that you will get from after subscribing to its MLSIA SCT ASCP course:
- Live Classes
- Recording of Classes
- Study Guide
- Q&A Modules
- Quiz Module
- Flashcards
- Practice Exam
- Mock Exam
- CAT Exam
- Study Plan
- How to pass the SCT ASCP Exam Action Plan
The following are the features of all the study tools that MLSIA offers you for SCT ASCP exam preparation:
SCT ASCP Live Classes
For deep comprehension, you must always prefer to attend classes where you can understand the exam content area both visually & auditorily.
The MLSIAcademy never compromises to present facilities to its students regarding getting a hold of exam content area.
Therefore, it establishes live classes with an interactive environment where you can share your confusion with tutors and classmates.
The classes are designed and delivered by qualified tutors who have Ph.D. and MSc degrees with ASCP SCT certification.
Recording of Classes
Sometimes, due to unknown happenings, you have to leave your routine to cope with it.
When it comes to attending classes regularly, it is most important to cover the entire exam content area of the SCT ASCP exam; you cannot attend these classes in an emergency condition.
As a result, you have to lose the important exam syllabus due to missing your live classes.
But, MLSIA understands all the compulsions of students, therefore, it records all the lectures so that you can watch them in your free time.
After the live classes, you can get these video recordings within 24 hours.
SCT ASCP Study Guide
After attending the live classes, the major tool that you need to review your content is the SCT ASCP study guide.
You get dual benefits when you get the opportunity to review your exam content area with a comprehensive study guide.
After getting the services of the MLSIA SCT ASCP course, you will access the all-in-one study guide that keeps the mixtures of many books in front of you to taste.
The following are all the books condensed in the MLSIA ASCP SCT study guide:
- Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology (3rd ed.)
- The Textbook of Cell-blocking Science.
- The Art and Science of Cytopathology: Volume 3 (2nd ed.).
- Cytopreparation: Principles & Practice.
- The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology: Definitions, Criteria and Explanatory Notes (3rd ed.).
- The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology (2nd ed)
- Practical Cytopathology: A Diagnostic Approach to Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (1st ed.).
- The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology: Definitions, Criteria, and Explanatory Notes (3rd ed.).
- The Book of Cells: A Breviary of Cytopathology.
- Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates (5th ed.)
- Practical Principles of Cytopathology Revised.
- Comprehensive Cytopathology (4th ed.)
- The Art and Science of Cytopathology (2nd ed.)
- Quick Compendium StudySet: Cytopathology eBook.
- Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology (3rd ed)
- Clinical Laboratory Management (2nd ed.).
- Quality Management in Anatomic Pathology. College of American Pathologists.
- Molecular Diagnostics: Fundamentals, Methods, & Clinical Applications (3rd ed.)
- Molecular Diagnostics in Cytopathology: A Practical Handbook for the Practicing Cytopathologist (1st ed.)
- Cytopathology Review Guide (4th ed.)
The MLSIA study guide also has the following features:
- Comprehensive: Navigate the entire exam content area with no fluff
- To-the-Point: Concentrate on covering the required exam content area
- Easily digestible: Make the content easily digestible with simple vocabulary, Q&A, visual illustrations, flashcards, etc.,
- ASCP-Certified Experts Experience: The MLSIA SCT ASCP study guide is compiled by the SCT ASCP-certified experts.
- Update Version: Always available in an updated version
SCT ASCP Q&A Modules
Once you subscribe to the MLSIA SCT ASCP course, you will also get hundreds of questions and answers that are extracted from the entire exam syllabus.
It is a big opportunity to cement knowledge of the entire syllabus easily and quickly.
With the MLSIA SCT Q&A modules, you will be able to excel in the A-Z syllabus.
SCT ASCP Quiz Modules
No one can compete with your expertise when you prepare yourself for the SCT ASCP exam with quiz modules.
The MLSIA quiz modules are topic-specific and encompass all topics one by one.
If you practice each topic, chapter, and subject with these modules, you can overcome any challenges of the ASCP SCT exam confidently.
For MLSIA you get
- Topic-specific quizzes
- Chapter-specific quizzes
- Subject-specific quizzes
- Complete syllabus-specific quizzes
If you want to get knowledge with multiple tools, you must utilize the flashcards in your study plan.
The MLSIA SCT ASCP flashcards include the simple definition of difficult vocabulary, MCQs, short questions and answers, fill-in-the-blank, etc that make your reviewing process easy.
MLSIA SCT ASCP Practice Exam
At MLSIA, you will receive a series of practice exams, and the academy allows you to use them according to your needs.
These practice exams are best to use when you want to track your preparation from the entire exam syllabus.
Each practice exam comprises 100 multiple-choice questions; here you will also get the opportunity to understand the format and style of the final exam questions.
Make sure to monitor your progress to participate in it again and again.
Mock Exam for SCT ASCP Exam Preparation
The MLSIA ASCP SCT mock exam is designed according to the format of the ASCP SCT final exam.
A test that is similar to a real exam in all aspects is called a mock exam.
The MLSIA mock exams are composed of 100 questions and the given time to solve these questions is 180 minutes.
You have to cover all these questions in a given time frame, it is a practice to improve your time management skills.
CAT Exam by
Do you know about the CAT (Computer Adaptive Testing) exam format?
It is a SCT ASCP exam format, you must comprehend its working process before going for the actual exam.
The MLSIA offers its students a chance to sit in the CAT-formulated exam before sitting in the SCT ASCP final exam.
The MLSIA CAT also comprises 100 MCQs that you have to finish in 3 hours.
Its format of questions, exam environment, number of questions, etc. are all similar to the ASCP SCT exam.
SCT ASCP Study Plan
Whether you are going to cover a single chapter or an entire exam content area, you can cover it effectively if you have a study plan.
For the ASCP specialist in cytology exam, you must create a plan that offers you the best solution to encompass its huge syllabus.
You should consider the following things when you sit down to establish your study plan:
- First, you should determine the available time that you have until the final exam.
- Consider all the exam content areas and check their questions’ percentages regarding the final exam.
- Make sure to allocate a little more time to those subjects that offer higher question percentages and have a large volume of information.
- Determines your study tools to cover the syllabus.
- Make sure to devote time to practice and refreshments that are necessary to ace the exam content area effectively.
Eligibility Requirements for SCT ASCP
The ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) suggests 3 eligibility routes for U.S. candidates and two routes for international candidates.
For U.S. CT ASCP Candidates
- Route I: a baccalaureate degree, cytology clinical experience (three years), and CT (ASCP) certification.
- Route II: ASCP CT certificate, a baccalaureate degree, and 3 years of cytology experience as an academic educator.
- Route III: Master’s degree and cytology program sponsored by the CAAHEP.
For International SCT ASCPi Candidates
- Route I: ASCPi CT credential, cytology clinical experience of three years, and baccalaureate degree.
- Route II: ASCPi CT certification, bachelor’s degree, and as an academic educator three years of experience in clinical cytology.
How to Pass the SCT ASCP Exam Action Plan
Clearly, Understand the ASCP SCT Exam Syllabus
To pass the ASCP cytology specialist exam, you must understand the exam content area that the board determines for it.
The ASCP BOC determines the four exam content areas for this exam.
Getting knowledge in all these subjects is essential because the board specifies different question percentages for each.
The following are exam content areas and their question percentages:
Gynecological Cytology (20% – 25%)
Non-Gynecological Cytology (15% – 25%) (Types of non-gynecological are respiratory system ( 5% – 10%), genitourinary system ( 5% – 10%), and body cavity fluids ( 5% – 10%)
Fine Needle Aspirations & Other ( 15%–20%)
Lab Operation ( 35%– 40%)
Get the Services of the SCT ASCP Course
To achieve the ASCP cytology specialist certification, you must subscribe to the SCT ASCP course.
Your selective course must offer all the essential tools that fulfill all your requirements.
To get the preparation tools, including the study, review, and practices, you must rely on the MLSIA SCT ASCP course by
At MLSIA, you will get the chance to become an ASCP SCT specialist in cytology under the supervision of ASCP-certified experts.
Understand the CAT Exam Format
The ASCP cytology exam is a CAT (computer adaptive testing) administrated exam.
This exam is composed of 1oo MCQ, & the given duration to ace it is 2 hrs and 3o minutes.
The process of CAT is that it determines the examinee’s skills and experience in their relevant field by displaying easy or difficult questions based on their previous question answer.
In the CAT system, you cannot skip any questions but you can replace the answer to any questions if you want.
Book and Reschedule Exam
If you have decided to achieve the ASCP SCT certificate, you must cover more than 50% of the exam content area before booking it.
Because, after booking it, you have only 90 days to take it.
Without wasting any time, you should subscribe to an online course like the MLSIA SCT ASCP course that offers you a guarantee to cover your entire exam syllabus during this period.
But, if you consider that you need more time for proper preparation, you must reschedule your exam within your eligibility period (at least one day before starting your exam).
Other Courses By MLSIA.
Resources: ASCP BOC.